You Career should,'t be your identity. It should be in support of it
When I decided I was going to do music professionally, I didn’t know one person on the planet who had ever done it. Now, outside of the friends I have from before I even knew I liked music, my entire network is filled with Grammy winners, Platinum record holders, the biggest brands in audio, etc. In fact, I even made it into that category.
MUSIC BECAME MY ENTIRE IDENTITY You’d never even know I liked other things
People would ask me - what are you up to? MY only reply was “I’ve been in the studio.” People ask me where’s good to eat? “Idk I’ve just been in the studio.” 6 1/2 years and I don’t know shit about LA. In fact, my entire perception of this city is the music industry. If you ask me what I think of LA, it’s my opinion on the entertainment industry. not the culture, not the food, not the nature. Just a lot of lightless rooms and unpaid invoices.
It can feel like if you aren’t constantly working in this business, you are falling behind. In fact, you’ll hear people say - while you’re sleeping, someone is up beating you. I spent many nights not sleeping. In fact, I worked a year for a producer who’s favorite drug was not sleeping for 4 days! I got to a place where that seemed normal.
My talent for compartmentalizing absolutely terrible life habits and behavior is unmatched. In this business, it’s a survival tactic TO KEEP OURSELVES WORKING
Yes, work hard. Yes, be tired sometimes. No don’t make your whole entire life about one thing. I sacrificed many, many parts of myself for this thing I thought would eventually make me whole. How could I be whole though if I left so many parts of myself behind?
Make LIFE choices, NOT career choices
CHANGE YOUR IDEAS OF goals INTO purpose You are MORE than what you do!